Boosting Creativity In Your Marketing Tactics
Marketing used to be pretty simple in the old days. You made sure you had your logo looking right and got it on business cards, letterhead, and your website, and that was it (well, kind of)! Nowadays, though, consumers have more options than ever before when they’re trying to figure out where to spend their money, which means there’s no single way to do anything anymore.
Being creative in your marketing and branding can help you stand out from the crowd by doing something new and exciting instead of just trying to fit in with what everyone else is doing. Let’s explore the concept of creativity in this blog.
The Importance of Being Creative
Creativity in marketing allows for greater brand recall, deeper engagement with your target audience, and an overall greater understanding of who you are as a company. It’s essential that your marketing efforts reflect exactly what you want your business identity to be. If it doesn’t, who will know? And how can they find out?
The 3 Things You Should Do Daily to be Creative
While some people may be more “naturally” creative than others, it doesn’t always happen by osmosis. Often, you have to do things to get your creative juices flowing. Below are 3 simple steps that can actually play a major difference in your creative output:
1. For at least 15 minutes, meditate every day. Experts say that focusing on your breathing can give you a boost of creative energy.
2. Get outside for at least 30 minutes every day. Being in nature has been shown to stimulate creativity.
3. Spend time with people who make you laugh—often and hard.
Start Small, End Big
The easiest way to boost your creativity levels isn’t necessarily a complex technique or tool, but rather simple action. If you have an upcoming project—whether it’s a business pitch, new marketing campaign, or online branding initiative—try writing down as many ideas as possible at once. The more ideas you can generate up front, the better off you’ll be in terms of execution later on. Remember, preparation and focus now means freedom later.
Time Management Tips for Entrepreneurs
If you’re an entrepreneur, I’m sure you know how difficult it can be to fit everything into a single day—especially if you’re still getting used to your newfound freedom. I recommend setting a schedule to keep yourself sane and on track.
Just because you can set your own schedule however you want and you have the freedom of being an entrepreneur doesn’t mean it’s what’s best for you. Try setting aside 4 hours or so of “deep work” every day to get into the mindset of creative productivity.
The Importance of Reading a Book a Every Few Weeks
To be a good marketer, it’s important to make reading a part of your routine. This has nothing to do with school; it’s all about making sure you stay up-to-date on relevant news. Try it for one month; at a minimum, read one every few weeks. You’ll be surprised at what it can do.
Weekly Challenges
As much as I wish it wasn’t, creativity isn’t a talent that comes easily to everyone. If you find yourself with a constant case of writer’s block, there are plenty of ways you can stimulate your creativity. Start by coming up with a list of weekly challenges. For example, if you often find yourself lacking ideas for content marketing—blog posts, guides, ebooks, etc.—try creating lists of 10 things you would like to write about each week, and then just get started. It won’t be perfect at first, but a bad first draft is better than no draft.